Come see me at the Sixth Street Melodrama this Saturday from 2:00-4:00 pm! I’ll be reading with three other authors after the Founder’s Day parade. We will all be selling and signing books as well. For more information about this Saturday’s big event, click here:
Yesterday I drove over to Spokane Public Radio to talk with Verne Windham about Wallace’s Founder’s Day event this Saturday, the book, and a little about my own background as well… It was a live broadcast, but you can listen to the 17 minute show here:

After the show, I met up with a guy who told me an interesting story about Dolores… I’m still getting some new stories and so pleased that you all are writing in to share your own experiences. I’ll post them here in the next few weeks. In the meantime, keep sending them in. You can email them to if you have something you’d like to share.
I’m working on a follow-up book that will add to the history of the houses but focus mainly on the story of the FBI Raid in 1991 and the history of federal intervention in the Silver Valley. I’ll write more about this soon, but welcome your stories about this subject area as well…
I keep selling out my copies almost as soon as the publisher can ship them out to me, but I just got another bunch of books in yesterday, so if you still haven’t snagged your own copy yet, you can order a signed copy for $22.00 by clicking the “Buy Now” button below, where you can pay using your PayPal account or a credit card. They ship via Media Mail, which means they arrive very quickly if you’re near me, but can take up to a week to travel the country…

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