Tag: podcast

  • visiting guys in a garage podcast

    visiting guys in a garage podcast

    My discussion with David Bourgeois of Guys in a Garage podcast hits the podwaves today!

  • overview: a century of brothels in wallace, idaho

    overview: a century of brothels in wallace, idaho

    A New York Times article appearing during the 1973 [temporary] shutdown confuses some things, but offers an example of the high degree of acceptance the community had toward the madams and houses, and illustrates how wide Wallace’s reputation had spread, noting that a bartender at Albiâs had fielded 14 long-distance phone calls that day to…

  • the madam next door

    the madam next door

    This past Monday I drove to Charlottesville to be interviewed for the nationally-distributed public radio show With Good Reason. It was interesting—and a little weird—to do what the producer Kelley called “performing a conversation.” You can listen to the show here (I’m the first 16 minutes or so): [soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/194578165″ params=”color=79a4d1&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=’166′ iframe=”true” /] And here is a transcript featuring my…