Tag: madams
i wish i could have met dolores
Dolores’s story, like her identity, an invented persona she assumed for forty years is a mix of fact and fiction that became its own reality.
coercion & criminality (morality and sex work part four)
That’s right, she was a Rosie the Riveter. So were MANY of these women. We should really revise our collective understanding of Rosie the Riveter and think more about what happened to the actual women those images stand in for: many were in the sex industry both before and after the war. After all the…
the madam next door
This past Monday I drove to Charlottesville to be interviewed for the nationally-distributed public radio show With Good Reason. It was interesting—and a little weird—to do what the producer Kelley called “performing a conversation.” You can listen to the show here (I’m the first 16 minutes or so): [soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/194578165″ params=”color=79a4d1&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=’166′ iframe=”true” /] And here is a transcript featuring my…