Author: Heather Branstetter
provisional diagnosis: prostitution
“This young woman has had quite a career. […] This patient absolutely vows that she does want to change her life. She says she has never been satisfied with it. She doesn’t feel its right to take the money from some of these poor men who have been her customers. She is ashamed of her…
about the shoshone county sheriff’s office files
“Definitely a screwball.” — Shoshone County Sheriff’s Office file #474 “Do not let Betty return until she understands she is going to have to behave herself.” — SCSO file #546 One of the items on my research to-do list: type up my hand-written research notes. Most of the work I did over the summer already made…
quick thoughts on the nature of this beast
So last night I was telling someone I’d just met about the work I did over the summer (I hadn’t seen our mutual friend since I’d gotten back into town and he’d asked about it). I mentioned how I’m interested in looking more at the connection between rhetoric, economics, and how we create our values…
meditations on coercion, common law, and a perfect world
— I went to a party last night and ended up having a great conversation that had me thinking about my research from the angle of common law or accepted custom. Used to be, in Idaho, if you lived with someone for ten years you were considered married to that person via “common law.” They…